Marleen Huisman

Marleen Huisman got her bachelor’s degree in Analytical Chemistry at the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen (HAN, 2021), with a minor in nanotechnology. In parallel to her study, she also succeeded successfully the ASTP talent program. After finishing this, she started her pre-master Molecular Sciences - Medicinal Chemistry at the Radboud University. During this period, she gained knowledge about the biology behind chemical behaviors in the human body, organic and chemical pathways, and the analytical data processing behind experiments. After receiving her pre-master certificate (2022), Marleen started the master of Medicinal Chemistry at the same university (2022-2024). During her master’s she specialized in different areas of the medical and analytical field. For instance, the implementation of medicines and the behavior of the body (pharmacochemistry, toxicology, nanomedicine, and oncology), and the environmental aspects and concerns for manufacturing those medicines for a better and more sustainable process. During her master’s internship at Analytical Chemistry and Chemometrics she focussed on handheld spectroscopy and Chemometrics plus MATLAB.

Marleen recently joined the TDLab as Junior Researcher. During this time, she will be focussing on extracting useful information from breath sample data.