Simona Cristescu

Simona Cristescu

I started my own research line in 2003 on laser-based spectroscopy for biomarkers research in the Trace Gas Research group (led by dr. F. Harren) at the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM), Radboud University (RU). Since then, I perform research on biomarkers with focus on volatile compounds in exhaled breath (breathomics) and/or produced by microorganisms with relevance for understanding the biochemical processes involved in disease and monitor the disease activity to improve treatment in personalized medicine.

A strong track record in attracting funds at national and EU level allowed me to build a strong analytical laboratory infrastructure based on state-of-the-art optical systems and mass spectrometry instrumentation for analysis of complex gas mixtures and initiated the group Exhaled Biomarkers and Exposure (2017). Since July 2021, I have expanded the research topics Exhaled Biomarkers and Exposure became Life Science Trace Detection Laboratory (TDLab).

Currently, I pursue and coordinate research into solutions for the energy transition including technological innovation that can help reduce emissions (i.e. the development of mid-infrared-based systems for _in situ_ multispecies gas detection, using coherent open-path spectroscopy with broadband supercontinuum sources, custom-made Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) and time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopic system. Next to this, we also invest into compact sensors (shoe box size) for 1-2 analytes monitoring with tunable diode laser and photonic integrated circuit-based spectroscopy. Target applications are circular economy and energy transition (process control, real-time monitoring of chemical reactions), environmental monitoring, animal and human health.

Presently, I am PI in several projects and the Chair-elect of the International Association of Breath Research (IABR)]. I have ius promovendi granted, being co-promotor of 14 PhD theses.