Former PhD Students

Ben Henderson (2023)

Applications of Soft Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Taking the next steps along the journey of breath analysis

Radboud Repository

Muhammad Ali Abbas (2021)

Time-resolved mid-infrared dual-comb and Fourier transform spectroscopy for plasma diagnostics

Radboud Repository

Khalil Eslami Jahromi (2021)

Multi-Species Trace Gas Sensing Using Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Source for Real-Time Quality Control of Fruit Storage

Radboud Repository

Faisal Nadeem (2020)

Optical Re-Injection in Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy: Modeling and Experiments

Radboud Repository

Anne Neerincx (2017)

Detection of respiratory infections in exhaled breath of cystic fibrosis patients

Radboud Repository

Yuwei Jin (2016)

Mid-infrared frequency comb fourier transform spectroscopy for chemical analysis

Radboud Repository

Raymund Centeno (2015)

Advancing the detection of molecules in gas phase with infrared lasers ‐Further development of semiconductor laser‐based Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy

Radboud Repository

Subrahmanya Devasena Samudrala (2015)

Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry Applications in Plant Science and Breath Analysis

Radboud Repository

Denys Marchenko (2015)

Laser-based methods for sensitive trace gas detection

Radboud Repository

Denis Arslanov (2012)

Optical Parametric Oscillator based real-time trace gas analysis for bio-medical applications

Radboud Repository

Elena Crespo (2012)

Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectroscopy, applications in Life Science

Radboud Repository

Anthony Ngay (2008)

Spectroscopic applications of continuous wave optical parametric oscillators; towards a rapidly and widely tunable trace gas detector

Radboud Repository

Marco Steeghs (2007)

Development of Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry techniques, detection of trace gases in biology and medicine

Radboud Repository

Bas Moeskops (2006)

Spectroscopic detection of trace gases in the medical sciences

Radboud Repository

Elena Iuliana Boamfa-Ivan (2005)

Detection of trace gases from fermentation processes using photoacoustic spectroscopy and proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry

Radboud Repository

Maarten van Herpen (2004)

Continuous wave optical parametric oscillator for trace gas detection in Life Science

Radboud Repository

Marco Staal (2003)

New Insight in N fixation by heterocystous cyanobacteria: the advantage of on-line measurements

Radboud Repository

Edi Santosa (2002)

Oxidative stress and pathogen attack in plants, studied by laser bases photoacoustic trace gas detection

Radboud Repository

Tim Groot (2002)

Trace gas exchange by rice, soil and pears, a study based on laser photoacoustic detection

Radboud Repository

Stefan Persijn (2001)

Photoacoustic trace gas sensing: applications to fruit and insects

Radboud Repository

Frans Bijnen (1995)

Refined CO-laser Photoacoustic Trace Gas Detection; Observation of Anaerobic processes in Insects, Soil and Fruit

Radboud Repository

Hugo de Vries (1994)

Local trace gas measurements by photothermal detection; physics meets physiology

Radboud Repository